Author Archives: admin

Hope For Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Diabetes

Hope For Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Diabetes

by Amabelle Equio A new study brings hope for patients battling with obstructive sleep apnea and diabetes type 2 and poorly controlled blood sugar. The senior author, Francisco Garcia – Rio, MD, professor of medicine at the Autonoma University of Madrid, discovered that the use of continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP, improves blood sugar

Intense Nighttime Light Exposure is Bad for Your Sleep Health

by Amabelle Equio A recent study confirms that intense nighttime light exposure is not good for your sleep health. Maurice Ohayon, MD, DSC, Ph.D., a Stanford University scientist, said that exposure to intense nighttime light affects sleep duration, which is also linked to sleep disturbance. According to the results, approximately 500,000 urban dwellers were more


General (Sleep Related): American Academy of Sleep Medicine National Sleep Foundation National Center on Sleep Disorders Research National Sleep Foundation-Waking America to the Importance of Sleep Narcolepsy (with Cataplexy): Narcolepsy Network Wake Up Narcolepsy National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) Stanford Center for Narcolepsy National Sleep Foundation Idiopathic Hypersomnia/Major Somnolence Disorder: National Institutes

Narcolepsy Treatment

There are several treatments approved by the FDA for use in narcolepsy. There are no treatments approved for idiopathic hypersomnia (IHS), although it is common practice to use wake-promoting medications that are known to be effective in patients with narcolepsy to treat the sleepiness associated with idiopathic hypersomnia. These treatments have not been studied to


Parasomnias are a group of sleep disorders that involve unwanted events or experiences that occur while you are falling asleep, sleeping or waking up. Parasomnias may include abnormal movements, behaviors, emotions, perceptions or dreams. Although the behaviors may be complex and appear purposeful to others, you remain asleep during the event and often have no


Hypersomnias are a group of sleep disorders that causes a person to be excessively sleepy. People with a hypersomnia may fall asleep at times that are inconvenient or even dangerous, such as at work or while driving. They may also have other sleep-related difficulties, a lack of energy and trouble thinking clearly. Narcolepsy is the
