Author Archives: admin

Shifts in Sleep-Wake Cycles Affect Women More than Men

Shifts in Sleep-Wake Cycles Affect Women More than Men

by Rachael Herman The Surrey Sleep Research Center at the University of Surrey has performed a new study that shows shifts in the sleep-wake cycles (circadian rhythm) has a greater impact on women than it does on men.  This study was published in the journal, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). The study

Communication Networks in the Brain Linked to Insomnia

by Rachael Herman Published in the online version of the journal, Radiology, new research found brain white matter tract abnormalities in patients suffering from insomnia. These findings were made using a sophisticated MRI technique. Primary insomnia is characterized by an individual’s inability to fall or stay asleep at night for at least one month. This

Three Exciting Treatments for Insomnia

by Abimbola Farinde Insomnia is recognized as a difficulty with falling asleep or staying asleep.This condition affects approximately more than half of Americans. It is considered to be one of the most common sleep problems. It is reported that 30% of the population suffer from insomnia, with one and three people suffering from some type

Risk of Metabolic Syndrome due to Daytime Sleepiness and Long Naps

by Rachael Herman A study scheduled to be reviewed at the 65th Annual Scientific Session for the American College of Cardiology reports that long naps and daytime sleepiness put an individual at higher risk of developing metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is characterized by a collection of conditions that put an individual at risk for developing

Fast Facts on Narcolepsy

Here are some key points about narcolepsy. 40 million Americans each year suffer from chronic, long-term sleep disorders. Although highly prevalent, common sleep disorders are infrequently identified by primary care providers. Narcolepsy is the second leading cause of excessive daytime sleepiness after obstructive sleep apnea. The average time from the onset of narcolepsy to diagnosis

Is Too Much Sleep Bad for You?

by Amabelle Equio Getting too much sleep may not be good for you, according to research. A recent study confirms that people sleeping beyond eight hours may have an increased cardiovascular related death rate. According to the lead author, Linn B. Strand, their research, which had 400,000 Taiwanese adult participants, revealed that people who slept
