Author Archives: admin

Treatments for narcolepsy

Treatments for narcolepsy

Although there is no cure for narcolepsy, the symptoms can be managed with medications. Sleepiness is treated with stimulants, while the symptoms of cataplexy and abnormal REM-sleep can be treated with antidepressants. There are steps you can take to reduce excessive daytime sleepiness such as sticking to a strict bedtime routine – aim to go

5 F.A.Q.s about Sleep Telemedicine

by Joseph Krainin MD 1.  What exactly is sleep telemedicine? Any health care that takes place between a patient and a clinician who are not in the same physical location could be considered telemedicine.  In a sense, many sleep doctors have been practicing telemedicine for a long time by reading sleep studies remotely through virtual

10 Ways to End Those Bedtime Battles

by Whitney Roban PhD Bedtime battles are a common sleep issue that many parents face with their children on a daily basis.  Instead of ending the day in a calming and relaxing manner, many families struggle with bedtime protesting that could potentially last for hours before a child finally falls asleep.  Fortunately, there are many

What is Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

  by Rachael Herman  Obstructive sleep apnea is the most common form of sleep apnea.  It is characterized by frequent starts and stops in breathing while asleep.  This type of apnea occurs when the muscles in the back of the throat relax and block the airway.  These muscles help to support oral and pharyngeal structures

Sleep Apnea Resources

Association for the Study of Dreams Centerwatch Circadian Sleep Disorders Association Disruptive Women in Healthcare Harvard Sleep Health on Sleep Apnea Healthy Sleep Insomiacs UK Narcolepsy Network National Forum for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention* National Library of Medicine – Medline Plus National

Higher Risk of Complications in Heart Failure Patients with Central Sleep Apnea

by Rachael Herman Patients with central sleep apnea (CSA) and chronic heart failure (CHF) have a higher risk of being hospitalized and higher mortality rates than people with both obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and CSA.  This is true whether or not they get adaptive servo-ventilation (ASV) therapy.  These results were determined in a French prospective

Sleep Apnea Left Untreated Can Make Melanoma More Aggressive

by Rachael Herman A new multicenter prospective study on the relationship between cancer and sleep-disordered breathing has shown that severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), if left untreated, may be linked to more aggressive malignant cutaneous melanoma.  Sleep-disordered breathing is in reference to frequent starts and stops in breathing throughout the night.  This study was presented
